第七届广州三年展·访谈 | 策展人菲利普·多德:“慢”关注在地性、特殊性,以及一切行动对人类和自然世界产生的影响
在我看来,“慢板”不是“变化”的反义词。在很多的“慢运动”中,人们过多地强调“慢”作为“快”的反义词,而“慢板”则比这有着更多有趣的层次。Arden Reed的书中主要强调了“慢的观看”,但是,我认为仍是低估了“慢 ”的重要性。慢是关注于在地性、特殊性,以及一切行动对于人类和自然世界产生的影响。对我来说,三年展中的 “慢板”部分提出了一种不同的“变”,与主流的“变化”叙事所赞美的不同,主流的变化是市场、商品化、加速、技术决定论等——关于全球化的方方面面。我的展览部分也提出了变化,但这种变化不受市场的摆布。
How do you understand the overall theme of “Symphony of all the Changes"? In a sense, your title Adagio is an antonym for "change"; does such a title indicate a reflection on and resistance to change?
No one, anywhere in the world, doubts that everything is changing. Even if a certain phase of globalisation is at an end, that means change. If globalisation continues, then that equals change. 'Symphony of all changes' explores the nature of change through which we are living. In all symphonies, there are dissonances and conflicts. My part of the Triennial is proposing a different model of change: it is not resisting change.
'Slow Art' is not, in my view, an antonym to change. Too much emphasis has been placed in Slow Movements on 'slow' as an antonym to 'fast'. Slow Art is more interesting than that. Arden Reed's book emphasises 'slow looking'. But again, I think that is to underrate the importance of Slowness. Slow is attentive to the local and to the particular, to the effects that nay action has on the human and natural world. For me, the Slow Art section of the Triennial proposes a different kind of change from that celebrated in the dominant narrative of change, which prises the market, commodification, acceleration, technological determinism - all aspects of the dominant version of globalisation. My part of the exhibition proposes change - but a change that is not at the mercy of the market.
“慢”的呼吁从未停止过,比如“慢食运动”(Slow Food movement)和“慢‘性’运动”(Slow Sex movement),还有近几年来在博物馆中推行的“慢艺术日”(Slow Art Day)等。有人认为“慢”是反对数字虚拟与当代性的,那么在您看来“慢”的态度与宣言中都包含哪些思考方向?
In fact, the call to slow down has remained consistent, evident in the "Slow Food“ movement and the "Slow Sex” movement, as well as the "Slow Art" that has been promoted in museums in recent years, through “Slow Art Day” and so on. Some people think that emphasizing slowness is a reaction running contrary to digital virtuality and contemporaneity. So in your opinion, what are the rationale and motivation behind the attitude, let’s say the manifesto of "slow"?
As I say above, too much attention has been given to 'slow' in opposition to 'fast'. the interesting question is: in an increasingly digitized world why is it that there is a developing interest in kinds of art made in ceramic, textile and paper. These are often small works - even if orchestrated in installations. They are tangible and full of gravity (in both senses of that word).
Arden Reed的新书《慢艺术: 观看经验,从圣象画到詹姆斯·特瑞尔》(Slow Art: The Experience of Looking, Sacred Images to James Turrell)建构了“新美学领域”的相关理论——“新美学领域”是他所观察到的通过减速与慢拍获得的美学经验。您是如何选择与组织关于“慢板”题目下的艺术家作品的?是否会更多的选择传统媒介材料的作品?
我主要的考量是从更广泛的文化中选择艺术家——即有基于如美国和中国这样影响力比较大的艺术文化创作的艺术家,也有来自不太知名的文化背景中的艺术家,如波兰和拉脱维亚。 我不认为慢艺术是一个新的美学领域,我认为它更像是一个星群。用Walter Benjamin的话来说就是:我正在建立一种跨文化和跨时代的联系,而其中的这些艺术家证明了陶瓷、纸本、纺织品(甚至水和烟)仍然可以解决当代问题。这些作品都是针对当代问题的,他们的骨子里是面向未来的。并且我试图囊括进更加大量的女性艺术家。
Arden Reed's new book Slow Art: The Experience of Looking, Sacred Images to James Turrell constructs the relevant theory of a "new aesthetic field" - an aesthetic he experienced through deceleration and slow motion. How did you select and organize the works of artists according to the concept of "Adagio"? Will more traditional media works and materials be chosen?
I intended to select artists from a wide range of cultures - major art cultures such as the US and China as well as lesser known ones such as Poland and Latvia. I do not think that Slow Art is a new aesthetic field. I think it is more of a constellation, to use the phrase of Walter Benjamin. I am making connections across cultures and across generations with artists who demonstrate that ceramic, paper, textile (and even water and smoke) can still address contemporary issues. These works are all addressed to contemporary matters. They have the future in their bones. I have tried to include a good number of women artists.
In your essay you specifically caution readers to “avoid falling into the rut of finding the ‘next hot young artist'”. Is this indicative of your opinion on young artists in general? Or is what you object to not young artists themselves, but rather the commodification of artwork?
I do not object to young artists but too much of the artworld is concerned with marketizing art and the market needs novelty and newness, disposing of older art as old fashioned. To counter this tendency I have deliberately chosen artists across a range of generations. For me, more important at present than the question of generation is the question of cultural location. To my knowledge, this is the first time that artists from Latvia have shown in the Triennial.
This is the last Triennial in the existing museum and as a curator I was encouraged to reflect on the period of China's opening up. “Slow Art”s full title is 'In Praise of Slow Art: When Everything Melts into Thin Air' . The world has been eviscerated and we need all the generations to come together to show that art does not have to subject itself to a globalising and commodifying imperative.
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