Angie ATMADJAJA (Indonesia) 

Introduction of the artist:

Angie ATMADJAJA (Indonesia)

Born in 1976, Jakarta, Indonesia. Lives and works in Manchester. Selected solo exhibitions: 2011 Intrinsic, Chinese Arts Centre, Manchester / Selected group exhibitions: 2010, Bikkuri, Aomori Contemporary Art Centre, Aomori, Japan / 2010 Re-New Digital Arts Festival, Copenhagen / 2009 The 9th Piksel Festival, Lydgalleriet, Bergen, Norway.

Introduction of works:

TILT, istallation, dimensions variable, 2009


Angie Atmadjaja’s installation, Tilt, provides an immersive environment for quiet surprises and confusions perceived between presence and absence in sound, sight and gravity tilts. The windowless space is modified into a pure void by eliminating any point of visual reference, making it shapeless and depthless.

Based on her acoustic measurements of the various standing waves configuration in the space and precise calculation, a tilted floor is delicately designed together with a thin pencil line drawn on the wall showing the height at which the audio measurements were taken. It is a topographical and sculptural translation of the sound, and at the same time, an acoustic response to the specifically structured space. During the exploration of the space, the sound can disappear and then appear again correlating to the subtle changes in the floor heights, whilst the perceivable pencil line floats in the air along with the movement of the body.

According to the artist, the work is not to be understood as an interactive piece for the audience, but to contain “spatial experiences specifically focusing on the phenomenology of perception.” The sound from a single speaker, the floor and the wall with the pencil mark are all physically and statically unchanging constants. The changes and ‘illusions’ are made by the audience themselves, each individual depending on their own sensory organs and different experiences, through which they thought they could hear, feel and see. Atmadjaja does not play tricks, but instead, weaves a dream – a real one – where we can travel within and beyond our sensory capacities.