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7号空间·广东美术馆青年艺术家学术提名展 第十五回 颜色的尽头——杜松儒作品展

2020-08-21—— 2020-09-12


Beyond Colours: Solo Exhibition of Works by Du Songru

Date: August 21---September 12, 2020
Venue: Hall 7, Guangdong Museum of Art
总 策 划:王绍强
Chief Planner: Wang Shaoqiang
策 展 人:盛  葳
Curator: Sheng Wei

杜松儒1975年生于天津一个艺术世家,1997年毕业于天津美术学院绘画系版画专业,1998年赴日本入读京都精华大学版画大学院,师从艺术大家黑崎彰,2002年毕业获硕士学位。杜松儒的版画和中国画作品多次入选国内外重大展览,曾获第17届全国版画展优秀奖、日本KYOTO 2000版画展新人奖、日本2001京展金奖等重要奖项,并被中国国家博物馆、中国美术馆等多家博物馆和艺术机构收藏。



Born in a family of artists in1975, Du Songru got a master's degree in Japan in 2002 and won a lot of important prizes in print-making.

With study in depth of both Oriental and Western art, Du Songru has ingenious insight into artistic creation. He has developed his unique painting style by combining the essence of Oriental art with Western influence. His early works focus on a passionate harmony of forms and colors. Later, with a good command of the nature of water, ink and colors, he created a new style by assimilating Western approaches with Chinese traditions. In recent years, Du employs various deep colors to cover his paintings. By producing a delicate balance between bright and dark colors, he has created new works with enriched spiritual fascination.

This exhibition is curated by Dr. Sheng Wei,the deputy chief-editor of 'Fine Art' magazine, which presents 50 pieces of works created by Du Songru in the past 20 years including water-colored woodcuts and colored ink-wash paintings.
开放时间——每周二至周日9:00至17:00(16:30停止入场,16:45开始清场) 逢周一闭馆(法定节假日和特殊情况除外)。 广东美术馆新馆(白鹅潭):广东省广州市荔湾区白鹅潭南路19号 前台电话: (020) 88902999 广东美术馆本馆(二沙岛):广东省广州市越秀区二沙岛烟雨路38号  前台电话: (020) 87351468