录入时间: 2013-12-03
本次的展览由广州三玄文化投资有限公司(简称 三玄社)主办,广东美术馆和韩国首尔红山文化中国陶瓷博物馆协办。展出20余件宋元明清陶瓷文物精品和最新独特的活画,将带给您不一样的艺术文化熏陶。
Works of art does not as the exhibits to display at the very begining, they’re just made to satisfied people’s need of production and daily life. As the inspiration of art pieces was originated from our everyday life, how to make them back to our life and service ourselves should be the final objectives. Arte Place keep our purpose “make life be full of art, art into daily life” in mind to engineering this splendid exhibition in Guangdong Museum of Art for the sake of sharing how this art pieces can integrate into life and the art experience they brought to us.
The precious and delicate china has been beloved by people since the ancient time, human being’s ceramic manufacturing had a general improvement especially the Chinese ceramic which had occupied an significance place in the World’s History of Art. At the 17,18 centuries, the ceramic which aroused crazy popular between the European Court and nobility were all made in China, the Chinese ceramic seem to be the symbol of wealth and authority and they even set up a fixed place to display and take care of those ceramic. Nowadays, the museum around the world still collecting this valuable cultural relics.
As it is known to all that China’s previous ceramic had been found a good sale all over the world since The song dynasty, the 25 competitive products from The song dynasty, yuan dynasty, ming dynasty and qing dynasty were all selected elaborately from Seoul Hongsan Culture & Chinese Ceramic Museum. It is also the first time that this priceless Chinese cultural relic exhibited in Guangdong Museum of Art or even in China. The other bright spot of this exhibition is the moving art which were adapted from the world’s famous painting.
Arte Place would be the host of this exhibition named “The different form of presentations of precious Art pieces”, Guangdong Museum of Art and Seoul HongSan Culture & Chinese Ceramic Museum would be the assistant host, performing over 20 delicate and precious ceramic ,showing the unique art experience to audience.
开幕式现场 由广东美术馆和徐悲鸿纪念馆共同主办的“往来千载一悲鸿:徐...